Graduation: "Smart Cookie" Milk and Cookies Dessert Table

A milk and cookie dessert bar for a "Smart Cookie" graduation theme.

Label items

Vary containers by using metal tubs, glass jars, wooden trays etc.

Create a fun sign.

Make a donut topiary. Start with a topiary made of styrofoam. Brush a layer of decoupage (modpodge) on the styrofoam and cover with a layer of colored tissue paper or wrapping paper. Allow it to dry. Put toothpicks into the topiary and then put donut holes on the tooth picks.
Milk and Cookie Buffet Tips
1. Have 5-6 cookie choices. In addition we had peanut butter fudge and brownies.
2. Don't try to bake them all yourself. Ask friends to bake their favorite cookie
3. Have different style containers and different heights.
4. Label the cookies including the ones that have nuts.
5. Place milk in an ice bucket.
6. I added donuts and made a donut tree. (They were the graduates favorite)
7. A cool back drop adds so much interest. As people are getting their desert, they can browse the pictures of the graduate.