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Spring Tabletop Garden Class

Spring Tabletop Garden d.i.y. Class March 21


Are you tired of winter? Do you need a little spring to cheer you up? Spend an evening with friends creating a SPRING TABLETOP GARDEN while sipping wine and enjoying a delicious dessert. Donna will provide potted flowers and greens, tabletop vessels, potting soil and decorations for you to use as you create your tabletop garden that will last weeks bringing spring into your home. Use it for your Easter centerpiece, place it on your coffee table or a buffet table.

Each person will make a spring plant arrangement. Please contact me via the contact button on my header and let me know what type of vessel you would like. I will be purchasing them on March 20. Scroll through these pictures to see if any of the ideas strike your fancy. Or if you have some type of vessel at home you would like to bring I will take $10 off of your fee.

Includes, container, potting soil, plants, blossoms (daffodils, hyacinth, tulips, iris, succulents, shammrock and Irish Moss and whatever else Donna finds).

The cost is $50 per person

(above picture by

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